Step 1:


Miss Joslyn


Solar System


The Solar System is made up of the sun and all the objects that orbit around it. There are many stars, planets, comets and other objects in space. Imagine that you are an astronaut, about to take off in your space craft with your crew members. Five, four, three, two, one blast off! What planet will you visit first? What will you see and what new discoveries will you make?


1. Is the sun a star?

2. How many large moons does Jupiter have? What are their names?

3. What is Mars called?





Step 2:


Miss Joslyn


Solar System (2rd Grade)


Our class has been selected by the principle to present science projects at the Science fair.Since we have been doing the Solar System for the past week our science projects will be based on that. We need to gather a lot of information about the planets, things in the solar system and pictures in order to complete our projects.


1.Research information.

2.Create 3-d model.


1. Research the Solar System (planets and surroundings).

2.Using the information that you have researched create a 3-d model of what you think the solar system looks like.

3.Attach one fact about each planet that you have learned to the model that you have created. (The information can be placed anywhere on the model).







Student Name:________________________________


(4) Excellent

(3) Good

(2) Satisfactory

(1) Needs improvement


Presentation & Structure

The model has outstanding presentation and the structure looks almost identical to the solar system.

The model has outstanding presentation and the structure looks almost identical to the solar system. 

The model has acceptable presentation but could have used a bit more creativity.

The model is not even close to accurate and does not appear to look as the solar system should.


The facts provided about the solar system and planets are accurate and creditable.

The facts provided about the solar system and planets are accurate and creditable.

The facts provided about the solar system and planets are acceptable but need to be more informative.

The facts provided about the solar system and planets are not informative.

Writing/ Labels

All of the writing and labels are done in complete sentences. Capitalization , spelling and punctuation are correct throughout the entire structure


All of the writing and labels are done in complete sentences. Capitalization , spelling and punctuation are correct throughout the entire structure.

All of the writing and labels are done in complete sentences with minor/major errors.

All of the writing and labels on the model have incomplete sentences, capitalization , spelling and punctuation errors.



The model is full of

color, vibrant, and very unique in design. In addition, the texts goes very well with the structure.

The model is full of color, vibrant, and very unique in design. In addition, the texts goes very well with the structure.

The model is good but needs a bit more graphics in order for a better visual of the text.

The model lacks graphics and illustration which does not allow for a good visual presentation.


The information gathered for the facts was from a variety of creditable sources which are located on the structure.

The information gathered for the facts was from a variety of creditable sources which are located on the structure.

The information gathered for the facts could have been a little more informative.

The information gathered for the facts was not informative and from a creditable source.


1 .Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
2. What new facts did you learn about the solar system?
3. Did you learn any new information from your classmates project?


Any other thoughts that you have about the project?